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The Tough Math Test

This is a little tough with easy moments, but you will not make a 100.


A cruise has traveled 54 knots in 3 hours. How many leagues per hour did the cruise travel?



What is the value of x? 5x+89=2x+272



A teacher rounds to the nearest percent when grading tests. If a kid gets a rounded score of 69%, then which of the following is not a possible number of questions on their test?



A cubes lateral area is what fraction of its surface area?



What is the square root of 2000?



What is the value of x rounded to the nearest whole number? 1089x-3728= 5x+10345



Matt can get to Charismas house by going 21 miles south, and then 20 miles east. However, he is crazy in love with her and wants to see her ASAP. If he makes a diaganol route, then how many miles is that?



How many degrees are in a septagon?



What is an 11 sided figure called?



What is the value of x? 62828x= 63738x


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