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Would you survive the zombie apocalypse?

Its Spring 2017, you have a wife and child and a zombie apocalypse is spreading through bat bites. Zombies are infesting the cities and streets. Most zombies are slow and dumb and only attracted to sound and scent and can only travel their disease through a bite. There is a super zombie that turns you into a zombie by just staring at you. So help you God.


The apocalypse has just broken out and zombies heard you drop a dish and are coming for your home and you have only enough time to do 1 thing. What will you do?



You've made it into town without zombies following you and you reach a convenient store. What do you buy?



What item next?



Last item?



OK, you grabbed the supplies you chose and now you've come upon a used car lot and you can take one vehicle. What vehicle do you choose?



You've gotten your supplies and vehicle, now where do you go?



You come upon a small village with 13 members who look strangely pale and have loads of supplies, what do you do?



While searching for supplies you come a across a crying baby in a cradle and it looks like its bit. What do you do?



You come across a gunshop with plenty of weapons. What do you take? (Ammo is included with all weapons)



You find an abandoned strip mall with plenty of shops and you need a melee weapon. What do you choose?



You are held up by a group of 3 bandits armed with AK-47s on your way out of the strip mall. What do you do?


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