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Office - Politics

There is a boy called Simon, and he goes to dad to ask him what politics is. His dad replies ok, and says, "I earn all the money so I will be know as capitalism. Your mum spends all the money so she will be known as the government. Your brother is small so he will be known as the future, and the nanny works for us so she will be known as the working class. Come back when you understand what politics is.'

That night, Simon wakes up in the middle of the night. He goes to his brother's room and he has pooed his pants. He goes to his mum's room and she is asleep, and then he goes to the nanny's room and his dad is screwing the nanny.

The next day he goes to his dad and says, "I figured out what politics is. The future's in crap, the government's asleep, and capitalism is screwing the working class!"

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